How to use the maps

The Health and social care maps are available in two versions.

  • The ‘interactive’ version of health and social care maps uses Power BI software.  Indicators are carefully chosen and are listed under appropriate categories, which can be selected within the dashboard.
  • The data can be viewed in the following ways via page tabs:

    Area Summary: This shows a summary of available indicators for one selected District, HCP or MSOA as a ratio to the Kent value, with Kent as 1.0.

    Indicator Profile: This shows a summary of useful visuals for one selected indicator.

    Compare Areas: This shows bar charts of the most recent period available.

    Trend: This shows line charts of all the periods available. Multiple areas can be shown at a time.

    Deprivation: This shows the line charts of the most and least deprived segments of the population. County or district level can be selected for some indicators.

    Map: Some indicators can display a map at District or Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) level.

    View underlying data: For some pages data can be viewed or exported by clicking on the 'Data' button in the top-right hand corner, then clicking on the 'More options' (three dots) button.

    Please contact us at with any comments or questions.

  • The original 'static' PDF version has been archived but is still available to browse. It provides an overview of a local authority district or clinical commissioning group (CCG). There are topic specific chapters covering particular themes, including an infographic summary.