Minority groups
The needs of minority groups need to be considered when delivering health care and identifying needs. Understanding these differences enables healthcare and health promotion messages to be targeted appropriately.
See also our page on ethnicity.
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Our resources
Our resources
Data and reports
The Armed Forces and Veteran Community Needs Assessment and technical report focuses on the needs of armed forces and veterans living in Kent. It looks at the Armed Forces Covenant, governance in Kent and Medway, and the support structures that connect various organisations.
As well as serving personnel, reservists and cadets, the assessment details the veteran population in Kent, which is over 52,000. Notably, 58% of these veterans are over 65 years old and live in the eastern coastal areas of Kent.
Other work on minority groups includes a Community Offenders Health Needs Assessment (PDF, 1.6 MB) and a young offenders summary data update (PDF, 2.1 MB).
We have also produced a literature review on drug-reducing interventions for prison leavers.
Additionally, we have produced a Rough Sleepers Needs Assessment (PDF, 1.1 MB).
Information on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities can be found on the ethnicity page.
External resources
External resources
The Office for Health Improvement and Disprarities has produced Inclusion Health datapacks for each Integrated Care System (ICS) in the South East. The version for Kent & Medway can be downloaded from the SE Clinical Network website.
The packs are intended to provide a one-off summary of available data and evidence for inclusion health groups in the South East region. They present an initial overview to support systems to understand need in their area and provide a resource including data and summaries that can be taken out and used as required, as well as be further developed by local Systems.
In 2019, NHS England and NHS Improvement commissioned health and care needs assessments on three prisons: HMP Swaleside, HMYOI Cookham Wood and HMYOI Elmley. These PDF reports are available on request.
The following organisations produce statistics relating to minority groups and health.